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Accepted / Re: iBeans
« Last post by Beans on August 16, 2021, 01:51:08 pm »
Are you still a member of any of the clans you mentionned above ?
yes but will leave
Accepted / Re: iBeans
« Last post by Airman on August 16, 2021, 12:47:34 pm »
Are you still a member of any of the clans you mentionned above ?
News / Re: Haunter Promoted!
« Last post by glennn on August 16, 2021, 11:18:53 am »
Congrats Killerbean
Accepted / Re: iBeans
« Last post by Yan on August 16, 2021, 10:02:14 am »
+1 just remove those tags that all.
Accepted / Re: iBeans
« Last post by Beans on August 16, 2021, 09:39:27 am »
What about the AUX and ThuG tags tho? You need to remove them.
ok bro

Also I changed your post topic for a test. Don't mind it <3
its nice nick tbh
I gib +1 for my hoeny.
Ty hoeny <3
Accepted / Re: iBeans
« Last post by Pro Uzumaki on August 16, 2021, 08:56:32 am »
I gib +1 for my hoeny.

What about the AUX and ThuG tags tho? You need to remove them.
Also I changed your post topic for a test. Don't mind it <3
Accepted / [Accepted]iBeans
« Last post by Beans on August 16, 2021, 07:11:31 am »
In-game nickname: iBeans

Old nicknames used:killerbeanunl,[AUX]killerbeanunl

Real name: Yogesh



Contact (Facebook, Hotmail, etc):Discord - Beans#1010

Link to your CP player page:

How long have you played SAMP:a Year

How long have you played PTP/PTP PB: Nearly a year

Have you ever been banned on PTP and/or on Plan B? If yes, what for?:no; (banned by AC when a airbreaker enter my car and used airbreaks)

Have you ever been part of another clan? If yes, why not anymore?:yes : AUX,ThuG; i want to enjoy gameplay with a better clan

Why you would like to join [RD]?:RD really seems to suit my expectations and i will enjoy PTP better with RD
P.S : i got invited by IceBreaker for the clan
Denied / Re: deMo [Denied]
« Last post by popcornZ on July 23, 2021, 07:58:47 pm »
Maybe third time is the charm
Denied / Re: deMo [Denied]
« Last post by Epps on July 22, 2021, 09:11:07 pm »
Denied / Re: deMo [Denied]
« Last post by DemoN on July 22, 2021, 11:23:12 am »
Ok Bros
Maybe later  :D

this is called SET
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